Mundakapadam Mandirams Society
Mundakapadam mandirams society

Leyamma Memorial College of Nursing established under Mundakapadam Mandirams Society which is a registered Charitable Society – No. K28 of 1956. This Society is ecumenical in nature and its members are volunteers from the three Episcopal Churches – the Malankara Mar Thoma Church, the Malankara Orthodox Church, and the Diocese of Madhya Kerala in the Church of South India.
The Society has a Fellowship to initiate the purpose, a Governing Board to administer and an Advisory Board to advise in important matters.
Way back in 1933, Shri P. C. George and his sister Leyamma opened their home for the aged, poor and needy. His Grace, the Most Rev. Yuhanon Mar Thoma Metropolitan who was then the vicar of St. Peter’s Mar Thoma Church, Manganam, Kottayam, extended generous patronage to the founders to setup Agathi Mandiram with the help of many other friends.
Since then, Mandirams Society has met many milestones that enabled the society to serve the poor, needy and marginalised in our community. It has been a journey of selfless service grounded on faith, aided and encouraged by countless men and women, socially responsible organisations and generous families.
For more details visit :

Mr. George Varghese
(Mundakapadam Mandirams Society)

Lt. Col. Dr. Markose Arackal
Deputy Chairman
(Mundakapadam Mandirams Society)

Mr. Prof. George P. Varkey
(Mundakapadam Mandirams Society)

Dr. Ninan P Kurian
Medical Superintendent
(Mundakapadam Mandirams Society)

Mr. George Kurian
(Mundakapadam Mandirams Society)

Lt. Col. Isha K